Course Syllabus

Succeeding and Advancing as Faculty Course Syllabus


Course Description

This course provides information on onboarding, faculty career stages, retirement planning, time management, mentorship skills, career and scholarship planning, turning clinical, administrative, and educational work into scholarship, and preparing CV, resume and personal statement. Upon completion of this course, you will be equipped with effective knowledge and skills on how to succeed and advance as a faculty. 


Course Delivery: Online, teleconferencing

Course Material: All course materials are included in the Canvas course

Course Textbook/Materials: Online


Learning Objectives:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Discuss faculty position expectations.
  • Develop short, and long-term career goals, and set measureable objectives.
  • List the characteristics of early, mid and late faculty career stages.
  • Discuss the challenges and opportunities for development and scholarship at each stage.
  • Discuss the process of retirement transition: from pre-retirement, through retirement to post-retirement phase.
  • Apply the best time management strategies.
  • Develop and implement a time management planning process.
  • Describe different mentoring models and types.
  • Determine the signs of a good and bad mentoring relationship.
  • Conduct an effective mentoring meeting.
  • Describe mentoring programs available at TTUHSC El Paso.
  • Define and describe scholarship in academic medicine/nursing/dentistry.
  • Develop a plan for turning their clinical and administrative work and education into scholarship projects.
  • List the steps of writing a CV, NIH biosketch, and personal statement.


Course Organization

This course is organized into five learning modules, found on the course menu under the section “Modules.” Upon completion of the quizzes and/or case studies, you will receive a respective number of the program credits and/or CME/CNE credit hours.


 Succeeding and Advancing as Faculty Course Outline

This course includes five modules. Within each module there are multiple topics.


Module #1: Faculty Career Stages

In this module you will discuss faculty career stages, from onboarding to retirement planning. The module has three topics and three quizzes:  

  • Onboarding and Negotiating (0.5 CME/CNE credits)
  • Faculty Career Stages (1.0 CME/CNE credit)
  • Retirement Planning (1.5 CME/CNE credits)

Upon successful completion of this module (three topics and three quizzes), you will receive three (3) credits and/or ___3___CME/CNE credit hours. 


  • Module #2: Time Management Skills

This module discusses time management planning process and strategies. It consists of self-assessment, three topics and one quiz:

  • Time Management Self-Assessment
  • Time Management Strategies
  • Are You on Track?
  • Working from Home

Upon successful completion of this module (three topics and one quiz), you will receive two (2) credits and/or ___2___CME/CNE credit hours.


  • Module #3: Art of Mentoring

This module discusses mentoring relationships, models and types of mentoring, and mentoring programs which are available at TTUHSC El Paso. It consists of four topics and two quizzes:

  • Art of Mentoring (Mentoring Relationships: Do We Really Need Them? ; Models and Types of Mentoring)    (1.0 CME/CNE credit) 
  • Institutional Mentoring Programs (Mentoring Up; TUHSC El Paso Mentoring Programs) (1.0 CME/CNE credit)

Upon successful completion of this module (four topics and two quizzes), you will receive two (2) credits and/or ___2___CME/CNE credit hours.


  • Module #4: Turning Clinical Work and Education into Scholarship

This module discusses career and scholarship planning and presents blueprints for turning your clinical, administrative and educational work into scholarship. It consists of three topics and one quiz:  

  • Career and Scholarship Planning
  • About Scholarship
  • Examples for Turning your Clinical and Administrative Work and Education into Scholarship

Upon successful completion of this module (three topics and one quiz), you will receive 1.5 credits and/or ___1.5___CME/CNE credit hours.


  • Module #5: Guides to Writing your CV, Resume and Personal Statement

This module discusses how to prepare your CV, NIH biosketch and personal statement. It consists of three topics and three quizzes:

  • Preparing Your CV and Networking (0.5 CME/CNE credits)
  • Preparing Your NIH Biosketch (0.5 CME/CNE credits)
  • Preparing Your Personal Statement (0.5 CME/CNE credits)

Upon successful completion of this module (three topics and three quizzes), you will receive 1.5 credits and/or ___1.5___CME/CNE credit hours.


Course Organization: The Succeeding and Advancing as Faculty Course is available online and via teleconferencing.


Technical Requirements:

  • Internet access - preferably high speed (for accessing Canvas)
  • TTUHSC El Paso e-mail
  • Microsoft Office (download from TTUHSC El Paso eRaider)
  • WebEx (download from TTUHSC El Paso eRaider)
  • Adobe Reader (download from
  • Flash Player (download from Adobe Flash Player)
  • Audio and video playing capabilities (for watching/listening to course content)
  • Web camera and microphone (for synchronous virtual meetings)
  • PDF app (scanning of hand written documentation for graded assignments)


Technical Skill Requirements:

  • Using a word processor
  • Using email for communication, attaching documents in email
  • Internet search engines and browsers
  • Familiarity with Canvas


Assignments and Grading:

  • For each module or session/topic in the course, you will complete a Self-Check Quiz. You must score 80% on each quiz. You will have three attempts for each quiz. 


Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

TTUHSC EP Institutional Student Handbook: Code of Professional and Academic Conduct 2020-2021: (Links to an external site.) ; pages 17-20.

“Academic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, falsifying academic records, misrepresenting facts, and any act designed to give unfair academic advantage to the learner (such as, but not limited to, submission of essentially the same assignment for two courses without the prior permission of the instructor) or the attempt to commit such an act. If a learner is involved in any form of academic misconduct and is proven that the action took place, the instructor may initiate a disciplinary action.


Special Needs (TTUHSC EP HSCEP OP: 77.14, Students with Disabilities ( (Links to an external site.) ) also HSCEP OP: Online and Distance Education (Links to an external site.))

Any student who, because of a disability, may require special arrangements in order to meet the course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible to make any necessary arrangements. Students should present appropriate verification from Student Disability Services during the instructor’s office hours. TTUHSC EP Office of Academic and Disability Support Services, Hector Noriega, MA, Assistant Director for Academic and Disability Support Services,, 915-215-6018.


Religious Observances (TTUHSC EP HSCEP OP: 77.12, Religious Holy Day Observance and Need for Student Absence ( (Links to an external site.))

"Religious holy day" means a holy day observed by a religion whose places of worship are exempt from property taxation under Texas Tax Code §11.20.A learner who intends to observe a religious holy day should make that intention known in writing to the instructor prior to the absence. A learner who is absent from classes for the observance of a religious holy day shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment scheduled for that day within a reasonable time after the absence.


Instructor’s Expectations

You will be expected to log into the Canvas course regularly to be aware of possible announcements/reminders and to pace your progress in the course. Course participants are expected to maintain an online environment conducive to learning, which includes “netiquette” (Internet etiquette). The following site includes basic rules for Online Discussion Netiquette. Ensure that your e-mail messages, discussion board postings, and other electronic communications are thoughtful. Diverse opinions we welcome in this course. The following are prohibited:

  • making offensive remarks in e-mail or the discussion board
  • using inappropriate language or discussing inappropriate topics online
  • spamming
  • hacking,
  • using TTUHSC El Paso or Canvas e-mail or discussion board for commercial purposes
  • using all caps (considered shouting in online communications)
  • cyber-bullying or online harassment of any type



This syllabus is intended to give the participant guidance in what is covered during the IFDP 19 and will be followed as closely as possible. However, the OFD reserves the right to modify, supplement and make changes as the program needs arise or change.


Communication Plan

  • You may expect a reply from the instructor within two business days.
  • Please use the Canvas course message tool or the TTUHSC El Paso email system for all communication.


Technical Difficulties

  • Online Help
  • Computer problems
  • Server problems
  • Lost/corrupt/disappeared files

Technical Support

  • TTUHSC EP Canvas/IT support (Links to an external site.)

  • Contact Help Desk (Links to an external site.)

  • Hours and Contact Info (Links to an external site.)



Call 915-215-4111

Option 1: Helpdesk
Option 2: Classroom Technology
Option 3: EMR



Submit your question to
Provide as much detail as possible.



CSB Basement, Rm B-08A
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

MEB 2nd floor, Rm 2160
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Succeeding and Advancing as Faculty Course Contact Information:


Sanja Kupesic Plavsic, MD, PhD

Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Associate Academic Dean

Office of Faculty Development


5001 El Paso Dr., MEB, 3rd Floor, El Paso 79905

Office Phone: 

915 215 4382; 915 215 5065


Office hours: By appointment at 


Office of Faculty Development FD Support

eLearning Innovation Team


Marco A. Rodriguez, MS, MEd

Raul Alvarez

Administrative Support

Consuelo Rosales